CEO Update

CEO Update

CEO Update March 2022 Dear valued community members and colleagues, As COVID restrictions begin to wind down, it is timely to reintroduce the CEO updates to provide you all with regular reports on the work HV has been involved in on behalf of our community. This year...
Genetic Testing Checklist 2

Genetic Testing Checklist 2

Genetic Testing: A Checklist 2 With Huntington’s Victoria Supports to consider? The genetic testing process can be an emotional one so it is important to have a support network available to you. This checklist has been created to help you identify the support...
A Conversation with Katie

A Conversation with Katie

A Conversation with Katie The first time I ever heard of Huntington’s was when I was 15. I had never heard of it. Didn’t know it was in our family. And then my mum told me that she’d been tested and that she was gene positive and that her grandmother...
Genetic Testing Checklist 2

Genetic Testing Checklist

Genetic Testing: A Checklist With Huntington’s Victoria What To Consider:   Who is eligible? You need to be considered at risk of Huntington’s disease (HD) with known or suspected history of HD in your biological family. There are guidelines for genetic...
A Conversation with Katie

A Conversation with Jamie

A Conversation with Jamie I found out about Huntington’s disease when I was quite young. Apparently, a neighbour told us, but I don’t remember. It wasn’t really a spoken subject in our house. So, we weren’t sure what was wrong with Granddad...