Day 1
Making Choices as a Young Person
The Q and A session is facilitated by Tammy Gardner and covers these same topics with our session speakers.
Day 2
Planning for Now and the Future
The first section of the second day covers topics about how you can get the most of your NDIS plan with some of our NDIS participants talking about their experience and speakers from the HV NDIS team. We also cover strategies in building your HD team to support yourself and family members.
The Q and A session is facilitated by Tammy Gardner and covers these same topics with our session speakers.
Living Well with the Impacts of HD
The second session of the Community Conference highlights personal experiences of living with Huntington’s Disease in conversations with Kylie and Elisha. The Huntington’s Victoria counsellor, Joanne Bevilacqua talks alongside our community speakers, Jaq and Nick about the experience of ‘having the conversation about HD’.
The Q and A session is facilitated by Bronwyn Morkham and covers these same topics with our session speakers.
Making A Difference
The Q and A session is facilitated by Alan Blackwood and covers these same topics with our session speakers
International Research
The Final Session of Day 1 showcases the incredible work and research that has been conducted internationally, presenting is of Prof. Russel Snell, Prof. Ed Wild, Dr. Paul Zeun and Libby Hewitt and Erin Goodsell from Roche.
The Q and A session is facilitated by Tony Hannan covers these same topics with our session speakers.
Local Research
The Final session of the Community Conference closes the weekend with a showcase of the amazing local research that has been conducted by members of the HRGV group as well as a community conversation about peer support.
The Q and A session is facilitated by Tammy Gardner and covers these same topics with our session speakers.