Community Conference 5th & 6th December 2020
The Huntington’s Victoria 2020 community conference was held as a virtual event on Saturday December 5 and Sunday December 6.
The online event included presentations about the latest international and local research, including updates on ground-breaking clinical trials. As well as research we covered about the NDIS, Making a difference, Testing and more.
A special presentation was also made by Roche on ground-breaking developments in HD research from the discovery of the gene to the biggest ever clinical trial, Generation HD 1 which is underway across the world right now.
Find the presentation videos from the conference HERE!
I attended the Huntington’s Victoria community days in 2016, 2018 and 2019. The Community Day provided me with a great opportunity to connect with other people in our community as well as listen to them share their stories. I found this invaluable as it related to my own experiences. Having the opportunity to hear from the researchers about what is happening in research and trials was also fantastic.