The Genetics of Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s disease belongs to a group of conditions known as monogenic disorders, stemming from variations in a single gene. However, emerging evidence suggests that certain lifestyle factors like movement, psychological well-being, and overall health may influence the onset of symptoms. Before delving into the inheritance patterns associated with Huntington’s disease, it’s essential to grasp the fundamental aspects of genetics. 

Within each cell of our body, we possess 23 pairs of chromosomes housing our genetic information, which we inherit from our biological parents. Genes, which are the condensed forms of this information, reside on these chromosomes. DNA, the crucial structure housing these genes, functions as the blueprint for constructing, repairing, and maintaining the human body. Comprising four building blocks—Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Thymine (T), and Cytosine (C)—DNA sequences determine the production of various proteins. While the first 22 pairs of chromosomes contribute to traits like height, skin tone, and cognitive abilities, the 23rd pair, which differs between men and women, determines the baby’s gender. 

Huntingtons-Victoria-Cell- HTT-Diagram

Fig: What are genes?  

Now that you have an understanding of genes and chromosomes, click on the button below to learn how you inherit features from your parents and understand how your child can resemble your partner…..