Peter Walsh Scholarship Application 2022


The family of Peter Walsh, through Huntington’s Victoria, are offering an opportunity for PhD students to apply for a scholarship to be used as a top up, to assist in publication or the purchase of equipment.


  1. Applicants must be enrolled in a PHD (half time minimum)
  2. The PhD must be focused on Huntingtons disease research. There is no restriction on the type of research
    e.g qualitative, laboratory based, clinically based research which is eligible.
  3. The PhD applicant must not hold any other top up scholarship

Application Assessment

All applications will be reviewed by a panel including members of the Walsh family, a clinical researcher and a representative from Huntingtons Victoria


The scholarship will be a $5000 one off payment

Successful applicants will be notified by mid April 2022 and will be invited to attend an award ceremony at the Huntingtons Victoria ball Friday May 6th , Plaza Ballroom, 191 Collins Street Melbourne.

Submission Date:




Phone Number:

PhD Institution:

Student ID:

At what stage of your PhD are you?


PhD Supervisors (Name/Institution)

PhD Project Title

PhD Summary: (300 word limit)

What is the likely impact of this research in individual patient outcomes? How will it improve patient care? (200 words)

What difference will this project make to people / families / carers with Huntingtons disease? (200 words)

Why does this research matter? (200 words)

How will the Peter Walsh scholarship be used and how will this benefit the Huntington’s community? (200 words)

Purposed Scholarship use / Amount

9 + 14 =