Understanding the Different Testing Categories

For hereditary conditions, the need for testing depends on the individual’s preferences, their family history and the psychosocial factors involved. Below is a summary of different types of testing that may relate to you – click the links below to learn more based on your needs.

Predictive Testing

Predictive testing is typically offered to individuals without apparent symptoms, guided by a thorough family history and personalised risk assessment.

Diagnostic Testing

Diagnostic testing for Huntington’s disease is essential for individuals displaying typical symptoms following neurological assessment, allowing for definitive diagnosis and tailored management. It is important to anticipate the possibility of shared symptoms with other conditions.

Prenatal Screening

Prenatal Diagnosis for Huntington’s disease (HD) is a pivotal process offering expectant parents the opportunity to ascertain if their unborn child has inherited the condition, involving consultations with genetic counselors and the option of undergoing either Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) or Amniocentesis procedures to obtain fetal genetic material for testing.

Preimplantation Screening

Preimplantation Genetic Testing, integrated into the IVF cycle, allows for the selection of embryos without genetic mutations, providing individuals control over their reproductive choices based on genetic testing results.

Accessing Prenatal Screening Through the MBS Rebate

For families at risk of Huntington’s disease, the availability of prenatal screening is a crucial step in making informed decisions about their future. Through the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS), eligible individuals may receive rebates for genetic testing, making these essential services more accessible and affordable.

Click below to learn more about the MBS rebate for prenatal screening and how it can support you in planning your family.