Hope Launch

We would love to introduce you to our newest member of the HV team this year…Hope!

Hope is your friend who loves to deliver information, education and awareness in the Huntington’s disease space. To stay up to date with Hope’s Information and Awareness Newsletters, head to our Latest News page.

Get your own plushie of Hope today by visiting the HV Store!

Becoming the expert through sharing knowledge and experience


The Community Conference this year starts off with members of the Huntington’s disease community who share their experiences and knowledge in terms of living with Huntington’s disease. Everyone’s story and experiences are different when it comes to Huntington’s disease, but it is how we can come together as a community to share our knowledge and to help empower others, that we have in common.

The Q and A session is facilitated by Tammy Gardner and covers specific topics and questions for our session speakers.

Dealing with the impact of HD in a family


The second session of the Community Day Conference provides some insight into how some members of the Huntington’s disease community deal with the impacts of living with Huntington’s disease.

The Q and A session is facilitated by Tammy Gardner and covers specific topics and questions for our session speakers.

What you need to know to safeguard your rights


This section covers the topic of safeguarding your rights. We hear about powerful ways you can advocate for yourself through Jane Tiller’s interview of Insurance and Genetic Discrimination and Rosemary Barker’s interview on Community Visitors Program and Independent Third Person. 

The Q and A session is facilitated by Tammy Gardner and covers specific topics and questions for our session speakers.

The importance of having a medical and allied health team to support you


The fourth session of the Community Conference provides an overview of the Huntington’s disease Neuropsychiatry Clinic at Melbourne Health and the role of Speech Pathology in managing the impacts of Huntington’s disease. 



The final session at the Huntington’s Victoria Community Conference included a presentation from Sarah Tabrizi and facilitated discussion with professionals from Roche and Wave about the various stages of a drug trial and what is different about a Huntington’s disease drug trail compared with out disease groups.