Move 4 HD
Huntington’s disease was formally known as Huntington’s chorea, deriving from the Greek word for ‘dance’, due to the involuntary, dance-like movements displayed by individuals with this disease. Involuntary movements are the most recognised symptom of this disease and are often confused for other socially unacceptable behaviour. In 2017, Huntington’s Victoria launched Move 4 HD, a dance initiative that celebrates an individual’s ability to move and participate. By doing so, the initiative aims to shift our focus from inability to ability, fostering a sense of value for affected individuals within this community.
Current research demonstrates that people who are at risk, gene positive or diagnosed with Huntington’s disease can reduce the impact of the disease and delay progression by staying physically, mentally and socially active. So come get your groove on and please join us for a day full of laughter, fun and dancing!
As you can see below, with the community’s help we have organised Zumba events, been part of the events organised by the community members making our Dance 4 HD a very special event that we look forward to. Community’s involvement and your encouragement has made us take a giant leap towards organising a silent disco this year, where are excited to join you al on the dance floor irrespective of our dancing abilities… Join us for a fun event, sharing your excitement via Instagram, Facebook or Huntington’s Community Connect, and inspire other members of the community to participate in #Move4HD events!